Nasa Asteroid APP

Asteroid Radar is an app to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth, you can view all the detected asteroids given a period of time with data such as the size, velocity, distance to earth and if they are potentially hazardous.

I've used the MVVM architecture together with the Binding Adapter, Room, LiveData, Navigation and a WorkManager to automatically download the data and save it to a database.
The app uses the Retrofit, OKhttp, Moshi and picasso libraries. Supports two languages ​(English and Spanish), different screen sizes, TalkBack and RTL.

Code Source
  • Languages Kotlin, XML
  • Arquitecture MVVM
  • Tecnologies JQuery, JSON, SQLite, Room, LiveData, Navigation, WorkManager, Retrofit, OKhttp, Moshi, picasso
  • Softwares Android Studio